The reasons to attend Solo days or Time and Space retreats would be to learn simple meditation techniques and to practice mindfulness and to be in nature with small conservation activities to practice this learning. The conservation of flora and fauna and its related benefits are:
A) To help maintain biodiversity - this ensures that the variety of plants and animals are maintained in the environment such that no species are lost.
B) To maintain ecological balance, as ecological balance is very important because life is supported by this balance.
C) To enrich a sense of personal wellbeing.
This week (30th March 2019) we lime whitewashed the roundhouse out for a spring clean and this was a great day with the owners Pete and Irene and we had a great springtime feel.
In speaking of a springtime feel, there may not be a shrub that cheers people up more than the forsythia bush.
A robin has laid its nest in the arm of a sheepskin coat in the boot room at ABC.
We are looking forward to meeting you when you book to come on a Solo Day or Time and Space retreat.
See you soon.