The Breath of Life.

This week's Solo day (14th September 2019) was a time for reflection and a chance to practice meditation at various parts of the farm and survey the work of others that have gone on at the nature reserve throughout the summer.


Making no effort to control the breath; simply breathing naturally in Nature with the rustle of the parched leaves as they begin to slowly turn to Autumn golds in the coming weeks. 

The last colours of Summer.

It was a chance to focus the breath and take notice on how the body moves with each inhalation and exhalation and how the spirit is at peace in nature.


The path to the chestnut tree.

Under the spreading chestnut tree.

 We sat under the chestnut tree and here a buzzard above in the adjacent tree was a special moment.

The Buzzard.

Solo Days are for a deep lasting connection to nature.

Hole in the soul.

“The spiritual path is simply the journey of living our daily lives. Everyone is on a spiritual path; most people just don’t know it.” ~Marianne Williamson

The most important time in the world is the time you make for yourself.

This weekend's Solo day task, Saturday - 17th August 2019. was to dig out a large rock at the gateway to the stone circle. Due to recent wet weather, the stones had been exposed and were causing the ride on mower to catch on this rock.


When we dug out the rock another 2 boulders had to be removed. Causing a large hole to be present.

Do you ever feel like there is something missing in life?

The hole in your soul feels like a big emptiness. It is a lack of connection with others. Actually, it is a lack of connection with self. It often seeks approval, praise and recognition to prove you're good enough and worthwhile. 

Where do such feelings come from?

Research into Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Study of over 17,400 college-educated employed Americans done by top medical doctors shows that over 50% of Americans have some form of childhood trauma and of these, a significant percentage suffer from food, alcohol, or other addictions.

Whether you know of it or not, most people suffer from an empty feeling perhaps condition best described as spiritual dis-ease. This description perhaps defines conditions such as alcoholism, anxiety, or depression than does the word disease, which may imply these conditions are of a physical nature.

People like to sweep their own spiritual dis-ease under the rug and try to not acknowledge feelings. They can become workaholics, alcoholics, sleepaholics, and can be addicted to food, develop dependencies to drugs or other negative behavioral traits like obsessive shopping. People often collect money to buy more things to make them happy. 

People affected by such traits may go to the doctor to get pills to numb the symptoms of their dis-ease. Some people will try anything to dull the pain. Unless we address the source of the problem, however, it’s just a matter of time before people often repeat these self-defeating patterns of behavior.

ABC offers mindful and meditation short taster courses, in nature, in order to connect in nature take stock and replace the balance, in our case this weekend we filled our hole with smaller rocks and ballast/aggregate which has another meaning, the sum of all parts. 

Research has shown that we can often die prematurely of both these primary and secondary addictions — the stress effects all of our lives collectively. It shows ACEs are the primary causes in the first place of heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, and the other top ten causes of death in the U.S and in Europe this is no different. 

Come and learn how to try to escape stressful situations by applying our basic meditation techniques and to help us with our conservation tasks at the farm and our ultimate goal of funding and building a treehouse for this beautiful place.

The Observatory.

This wonderful observatory is located in the heart of Nidderdale /in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty the Lime Tree Observatory benefits from a remote but accessible location under the darkest of skies.

The Old Observatory.
The observatory is run by experienced astronomers who have a fantastic ability to communicate the science of Astronomy to their guests. A visit to this is facility is one that, no matter age or experience, everyone would enjoy.

The New Observatory.

 For more information, please contact



Solo Day special event.

Saturday 13th July 2019 saw a fabulous Solo Day special event at Lime Tree Farm. Hazel Leigh's Sound Bath was a real highlight, extremely well received by all twelve participants. The sound of gongs and bells really benefitted from great acoustics in the iron age roundhouse. Nature was ever-present too; a small bird was seen nesting inside the thatched roof whilst a field mouse ran across the floor. 

The morning preliminary session concentrated on practicing meditation and mindfulness and sharing and discussing the vision of Pete and Irene Foster.
 Lime tree farm hosts ABC, who will crowd-fund and build a tree house on this magical site, adding to the existing Stone Circle, Bird Hide, Observatory and of course the amazing roundhouse.

The weather was perfect comprising of sunshine and the odd light shower. ABC facilitated the day purposely flexibly; people were enjoying building new connections and friendships and making lunch together around the fire. As a result, the "vow of silence" in the stone circle was a shorter session than on previous events but no less rewarding according to the delighted attendees.

We ended by planting 2 fledgling oak trees and some of the group undertook a period of deep reflection at the mighty chestnut tree whilst others were given a tour of the super-impressive Lime tree observatory.

What a brilliant day!


We at ABC are pleased to be holding a collaborative, alternative, beneficial Sound Gong Bath Meditation experience, with Hazel Leigh of Sirona Spirit, on our Solo Day on Saturday 13th July from 10 am till 4pm at Lime Tree Farm Hutts Lane, Ripon. HG4 3DA.

Hazel Leigh.

Our day will start with a brief introduction and an explanation of the benefits of the gong, followed by a short breathing exercise to promote the flow of energy and to create a receptive mind-body state for deep relaxation and meditation as it is important to be comfortable and receptive to this experience.

The gongs are then played for 30 to 60 minutes to help purify and cleanse the subconscious and awaken the soul to a transcendent state of awareness.

This is a special event and is priced at an introductory offer £25.00 with a healthy lunch included, for you and your friends to enjoy. 

We will encompass other aspects on your Solo Day such as Meditation and mindfulness through conservation and the vow of Silence in the Stone Circle.

Please call Darrell 07851448812 to book a place for you and your friends.

A Snail's pace.

Do you ever find you are making progress going at a snail’s pace as the saying goes?

It's true we often struggle with trying to do too much and getting overwhelmed. ABC has been really trying to implement small changes, baby steps… We often wonder if that really works. 

Does going at a snail’s pace, really work? 

Yes it does, but you have to remember it takes time and results will not be instant but it is worth it when you change that feeling of being overwhelmed to feeling like “I can do this one small step at a time”

ABC has had over 17,000 hits to our website, with recent overseas visitors. With the award we received from the countryside alliance and the love and nurture people bring to this special place, it has been worth the effort and dedication.

This weekend June 8th 2019, we unearthed some old ploughs from the undergrowth, even though it was raining. 

The plough is like a metaphor for the work we are doing at Lime tree farm preparing the earth for seeds and new growth.

The air was fresh and clean and with the peace of Limetree Farm, the bird song and our meditation of letting go of life's troubles as always really works. 

 Darrell on 07851448812 to book for you or your group of friends.

The start of Summer.

Yesterday,1st of June 2019, the start of Summer.
We placed a metal sign above the neighbours cottage at Lime Tree farm and this will look great when, eventually, it weathers in time.

We meditated in the roundhouse and stone circle and a small cabbage white butterfly was following us and was beautiful, as it fluttered to and fro, along with the sound of the Curlews and Red Kites. The Red kite being somewhat rare in some parts of Britain.

We all have become experts at planning and anticipating the fun of summer, but when it happens not-the-way-it-should, we feel disappointed and look back with regret, or begin to look ahead at something else with anticipation or worse, increased stress and anxiety.

You may be thinking of that family holiday you so looked forward to…then you are there and your kids are acting up, you are reliving that dysfunctional family dynamic again, your partner is miserable. And you just want to go home and put the kids back in a summer camp, wondering what happened.

Summer as a whole can look and feel like this. You look forward to it with excitement. But after week 2 of being on your own with the kids, you are counting down to back-to-school fever and the cycle continues but it does not have to. 

Being present, in the moment without judgment does not always come naturally and takes effort. (Surely we can all relate to that but can we admit it!) And it’s doubly hard when we don’t have the time and space to ourselves that our sanity desperately needs (a.k.a. that refreshing summer breeze when we feel good in our skin.)

This is why at ABC we provide a space to unwind and share a few simple tips to support our wellbeing through the summer months and more importantly about living in the now. 

These tips are great to practice to anchor you when the familiar emotions take over – fear, guilt, regret, anxiety, worry,  imposter syndrome or getting over relationship breakups. 

They are also good go-to’s when you fall out of balance, or go off track, or make that mistake and start ruminating into self-criticism. But best of all they are super preventative techniques that will help keep you keep grounded, with extra perspective and the art of being in the moment.

Book early to avoid disappointment.
£47.50 which includes a healthy lunch.

Very peaceful.

This weekend's Time and Space retreat, which was 
 on Friday 24th May 7pm + Saturday 25th May to Sunday 26th May until 2pm was very peaceful and rewarding.

We cleared a small woodland and from the branches cut we made a bonfire.

 We cleared the trees that were cut in order that dangerous trees on the boundary line can be felled. Logs were cut and to provide firewood for the Nature reserve for ABC solo days and Time and Space retreats.






Whilst cutting logs to provide firewood for the Nature reserve for ABC solo days and Time and Space retreats, we came across this Snail. We also had the company of a Silkie chicken who was very interested in what we were doing. You are never alone in nature.

The meditation focused on Beyond the personality and creating Time and Space.

 We are very sympathetic to the wildlife

 at Lime tree Farm.

Which way do you want your life to go?


This week's retreat Friday 10th May from 7pm + Saturday 11th May to Sunday 12th May until 2pm.  Our conservation task was to bag up the logs for the campsite and to tidy up the bags of logs and to set them off the ground on pallets, at the same time as listening to the hypnotic beats of the drumming workshop in the roundhouse, in tandem with birds singing in the hedgerows.

What a weekend and a great conservation task accomplished, and a pleasure to give back, for this special place.

African drums are so iconic of Africa that an African drummer is almost a stereotype of the country. The fact is that drums have been an intrinsic part of African life for countless generations and how this has now had a crossover to other cultures. The drums were led by an African drum leader and a special thanks to Barbara and her group for allowing the Abc team to experience this beautiful and memorable experience. 

It has been said that Africa is the cradle of humanity, so it's not unreasonable to conclude that music formed a part of the African experience before many, if not all, other civilizations were even born.

Music is deeply woven into the fabric of African life, and drums are the primordial musical instruments and to hear the sound coming from the roundhouse was amazing to hear.

Drums play an important role in all aspects of African life, including the physical, emotional and spiritual. African hand drums are played to communicate, celebrate, mourn and inspire. They're played in times of peace and war, planting and harvesting, birth and death.


For that extra piece of missing magic, book early to avoid disappointment.

Seen in Masham.

“Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people.” ...“Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth living, and truth loving.” ...“No legacy is so rich as honesty.” ...“It takes strength and courage to admit the truth.”  “Honest people don't hide their deeds.”

A wonderful time of the year.

Easter is a wonderful time of the year. With the spring weather changeable, the hills turn green and the flowers start to bloom. Spring is a time of renewal and hope, and this is seen with the newborn lambs.

"A time to let go of resentments and gain compassion." 

This week's Solo Day (13th April 2019) was enjoyed by our participants although the temperature was cold, with meditation and conservation, our task was to take the willow cuttings gathered from a previous Solo Day we had placed in a pile and burn it in the field to provide ash for the hedgerows. Wood ash is an excellent source of lime and potassium for the hedgerows. Not only that, but using ashes from the farm in the hedgerows also provides many of the trace elements that plants need to thrive.

"Conservation is caring for the environment."

Being around the fire generated an atmosphere of sharing and hope for the future.

Easter also is a time of Peace and Easter also is celebrated with Eggs and we are thrilled to see 3 eggs in the robin's nest in the coat of the boot room.

"Meditation and mindfulness need constant practice in order to attain lasting Peace."

from ABC retreats.