This week's retreat Friday 10th May from 7pm + Saturday 11th May to Sunday 12th May until 2pm.  Our conservation task was to bag up the logs for the campsite and to tidy up the bags of logs and to set them off the ground on pallets, at the same time as listening to the hypnotic beats of the drumming workshop in the roundhouse, in tandem with birds singing in the hedgerows.

What a weekend and a great conservation task accomplished, and a pleasure to give back, for this special place.

African drums are so iconic of Africa that an African drummer is almost a stereotype of the country. The fact is that drums have been an intrinsic part of African life for countless generations and how this has now had a crossover to other cultures. The drums were led by an African drum leader and a special thanks to Barbara and her group for allowing the Abc team to experience this beautiful and memorable experience. 

It has been said that Africa is the cradle of humanity, so it's not unreasonable to conclude that music formed a part of the African experience before many, if not all, other civilizations were even born.

Music is deeply woven into the fabric of African life, and drums are the primordial musical instruments and to hear the sound coming from the roundhouse was amazing to hear.

Drums play an important role in all aspects of African life, including the physical, emotional and spiritual. African hand drums are played to communicate, celebrate, mourn and inspire. They're played in times of peace and war, planting and harvesting, birth and death.


For that extra piece of missing magic, book early to avoid disappointment.