Summer 2018 retreats.

May 2018.

Saturday 19th May  10am -4pm. Solo Day

Saturday 26th May  10am -4pm. Solo Day *

June 2018.

Saturday 2nd June   10am -4pm. Solo Day. 

Time and Space 
Retreat 1st  June 3rd June from Friday 7pm till Sunday 3pm.
Saturday 9th June 10am -4pm.  Solo Day.
Time and Space
Retreat 8th -10th June Friday 7pm till Sunday 3pm.
Saturday 16th June 10am -4pm. Solo Day. *

Saturday 23rd June 10am -4pm. Solo Day. *

Saturday 30th  June 10am -4pm. Solo Day. *

July 2018.

Saturday 7th July 10am -4pm. Solo Day. * 
Saturday 21st July 10am -4pm. Solo Day. 
Time and Space
Retreat 20th-22nd July Friday 7pm till Sunday 3pm.
August 2018.
Saturday 4th Aug 10am -4pm  Solo Day.
Time and Space
Retreat 3rd -6th August Friday 7pm till Sunday 3pm.
Saturday 11th Aug  10am -4pm.  Solo Day. *
Saturday 18th Aug 10am -4pm.  Solo Day. *
Saturday 25th Aug 10am -4pm.  Cancelled
The Time and Space retreat is £125 per person.
The price includes camping fees and all meals onsite.
Please bring a tent and waterproofs,a sleeping bag and a change of clothing and suitable footwear.

The Solo day is £47.50 per person and includes a fabulous lunch.
Please bring waterproofs and suitable footwear.

Please email if further information is required.

* Denotes shared conservation to Lime tree farm.
   N.B The above dates are subject to change.