Thank you everyone...

We would like to thank all participants and volunteers, trainers, John and Beryl the bird ringers and Norman our raw food expert for the dedication in helping us learn about nature.

ABC Solo Days and Time and Space retreats summer dates have come to an end for this summer period.
This was a beautiful time, filled with tears of joy and magical moments as can be read about on our website.

The programme now changes to Winter Solo Days in the Autumn from October and this is for the hardier of participants, who want to experience inner peace and true reflection in nature without going to far into the wild.
So here's to the colours of Nature, stargazing at the observatory.
Along with this is our Winter solstice in late December.

Special thanks to the webmaster for spending time and Space to create our audio visual representations to you our audience world wide and hope that you can help spread the word to others about what we do. 

Our ABC company is a not for profit community interest company,and continues to be our ethos as we are to apply for grant funding to be sustainable in the future.  
We are to start to fund raise to be able to build a tree house at the site. 

It would be great to see you on a Winter Solo Day.

Above all we would like to thank Pete and Irene for this opportunity to practice true mindfulness and meditation through conservation at Lime tree farm...

...and the Bees.